What Does It Mean To Invest In Real Estate?

    We've wasted no time this week hitting on these financial topics. Let's not lose our stamina now. Today, I'm going to talk about 3 ways you can invest in real estate. It's so common to hear about those real estate classes people pay for and don't utilize, but some people don't know there's different ways to invest in real estate  other than just renting out their own  home. 


  •  REIT's are real estate investment companies that let investors buy and trade stock. Usually these companies own commercial properties and they pay out dividends to the shareholders. This type of investment stops you from having to deal with the issues of being an actual landlord but still being able to reap the benefits. You're able to invest in a REIT just like you would invest in any other stock, but you should be well informed before doing so because some REIT's can't be traded and as with all stock there's a risk of loss.

  •  There are online real estate platforms that give you the opportunity to help finance new projects for a chance to get back monthly or quarterly returns. These can be hard to be apart of though because they usually require a certain income amount.

  • This option may be very commonly known, especially since there are so many entertaining tv shows that show how to do this. The tv shows often show a glamourize version of this. You find a low priced home and figure out to fix it at a lower cost than you paid. This is usually difficult so it's important to have knowledge on budgeting and contractors. 






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