The Do's and Don'ts of Arguing
No one likes marital conflict. However, it's unlikely you'll never bump heads in your relationship. Sometimes these arguments can cause so much tension between you two and increase your stress levels. It's easy to speak out of anger during these times and lash out in the heat of the moment. Here's a list of some do's and don'ts of arguing with your significant other.
- Listen empathetically and think before you speak.
- Practice deep breathing techniques and self discipline during arguments.
- Remember your spouse is not your enemy.
- Forgive and forget small matters.
- Say or do anything you'll regret in a few minutes. (You can't take words back)
- Try to be spiteful and seek revenge on your spouse if they offended you in someway.
- Gossip harshly about your spouse to others. (Limit what intimate details you choose to share)
- Resort to violence during arguments and lose control. (It's not worth it!)
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