Doing the Most

    It's almost election time in the US. Therefore, it's the time of year where the worst sides of both political parties start to show. However, political banter doesn't usually spark my interest. It's the same thing every four years. This candidate will do this and this one will not do this....blah, blah, blah. Conventions are thrown with corny jokes circulating. It's literally the same thing every time, just a different year with different people.  Both parties get tons of people to endorse their campaigns, so I wasn't that sure why Candice Owens (an ex democrat, current republican) was so outraged by Joe Biden having an interview with Cardi B ( tv personality/rap artist) I just wasn't sure why the confusion with "pandering" That is very common when you're trying to appeal to different Americans to secure votes. I'm not saying I agree with the strategy, but to go out of the way and insult an artist just because their background is extremely disrespectful. Personally, I like that celebrities are using their platforms to help others not just gaining money from them. NO ONE has a right to tell another person they are wrong for venturing out of their comfort zone to learn about new things. It's not okay to consistently try to belittle others because of their education. That doesn't make you better than someone. Just more judgmental and ignorant to diversity. Candice Owens doesn't like that Cardi B has been involved in politics, yet this is the same woman that went on P Diddy's Revolt TV platform to have a discussion about Black America. P Diddy is most known for being a hip hop mogul. Let's just be  honest, Candice Owens knows nothing at all about hip hop nor does she represent or stand for anything rappers tend to talk about. It did not stop her from going on this platform to spew her republic rhetoric though. It's just not okay for Cardi B to do it? "To step out her lane," and evolve? Why would a person that is so "articulate" want  to belittle a celebrity just for standing up for what they believe? What kind of intelligent person picks on another person for not speaking proper English? What kind of black woman, that claims to want to see blacks progress (by voting republican) gets upset and loses self control on social media because you don't like a fellow individual from another minority group? This is pitiful! It's not intelligent to look down on others and it's not articulate to yell and shout angrily on a digital screen. It's not good clout( attention, which she's seeking), and it's not good promotion for the republican party. Nothing more than ignorance and another example of women from minority groups not looking out for one another. This is America, someone will always have an opposing opinion of your political choice, but it doesn't mean go around personally insulting people because they are different. It's 2020, I thought bashing others that don't go to college was out of style?!?! Being college educated means nothing if you don't have decent social skills and a humane heart. What are you gaining from being hateful to other people? I'm done ranting about this lady for tonight. Hope you guys choose not to walk around full of hatred for people less educated, less fortunate, or just culturally different. If you have a platform to speak on, use your voice for good and don't get envious of others if they are more influential than you.

Until Next Time,

D x 3


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