Finding Time

    Hectic days and a hungry baby keeping me up at night describe the basis of my last few months. I haven't had much time with my friends at all. We try to utilize technology to keep in touch like most people. Sometimes our phone convos are long with juicy gossip, and other days we barely get anything out before one of us rush off the phone. We've all been diagnosed with super busy lives since high school. Jobs, college, significant others, and kids now demand our attention. Everyday we'd consistently touch base in school, be inseparable after, and spend our weekends as if we were nocturnal. It's so amazing how fast time flies by! Literally, it doesn't feel like all these events in life would pass so quickly. I really miss our adventures to the mall and our downtown walks. We'd listen to street performers and ride around for hours. I know one day we will be able to enhance these moments to fit our lives now. Occasionally, we host girl nights and cook for each other. Not to mention we catch good movies when we have time. On a serious note, I think we should make intentional time to feed our friendships. It's not always the easiest task, but it's necessary. Our friends can offer support, help keep us grounded, and remind us how to have a good time. My friends and I are not always available 24/7 to each other, but when one of us is down, we make the effort to keep one another uplifted. Due to the virus, our next girl's night is definitely overdue. Hopefully, that'll be soon! The virus has taken on a toll on all our mental health. Take some time to soak in nostalgic memories of your friends and make intentional time to reconnect!

Until Next Time,

D x 3


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