First Day....
I've been researching and dreaming of my oldest child's first day of school for years. After months of stalling and miscommunications, I got an email confirmation for his virtual learning. I am so stirred with emotions about this! This isn't exactly how I pictured things to be. I always imagined my husband hauling me away as I cry my eyes out seeing our son tackle a huge milestone in his 5 years of life. His first year starting his school record, his foundation for his years following, a day I'd reflect on at his high school graduation! I know I'm way ahead of myself, but my vivid imagination has had this vision for years. Now that it's pretty much here I just picture myself grudgingly waking up, trying to look alert on our webcam, fighting my ever changing work schedule so I can get him signed on, and how many instructions will I need to give my husband so things will run smooth when I'm absent. Whew, my brain is overworked just thinking about it!!! Luckily, I'm familiar with all the online instructions and applications being used because I help my step daughter all the time when she's with us. I'm so excited for my little boy and nervous. I can't believe it's time to put one of my kids through school! I can't believe how much has happened in our lives in 5 years. Even though I won't be at a building crying hysterically, I'm crying in the inside unable to fathom how my son is growing up so fast!?!?!!!!
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