"Major Themes"

   First off, Happy New Year! We're all so blessed to see another day to be great and exert excellence in the lives God has given us. In November, I released my debut book, "Grasp tha Limelight". I want to take some time to discuss some of the themes in my book. My book encompasses the life of Jessica Everett, as she is falling in love with a rising RnB singer. Falling victim to the affection of Avon, Jessica starts losing herself in the pursuit of his love. So lust is one of the main themes in my book. Many of the characters find themselves fighting against their desires. Once they cave into their desires, undesirable consequences take place. Masochism is another major theme present in the story. Masochism is when a person feels like some form of pain (not physical pain) is necessary for them to feel satisfied. This is the premise of Jessica and Avon relationship. Toxicity follows behind masochism, and is apparent throughout Jessica's family dynamic. Grief makes an entrance and causes mental distress to Jessica and her younger sister adding to the stress of their daily life. Lastly, addiction is a major theme that plagues Jessica as her newly developed habit disrupts her life in massive ways.  To check out more themes in  "Grasp tha Limelight" you can purchase the ebook from the Amazon Kindle store or purchase the paperback on Amazon.

Until Next Time,

D x 3


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