Birthday Came and Went

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! I'm excited that today was my birthday! I'm extremely grateful to God for being alive and enjoying time with my family. I didn't plan anything elaborate this year. Truthfully, I wasn't much in the mood to go out with my mask tightly stuck to my face as I try to enjoy time dining out with a restricted number of friends and family members. Instead I spent my day indulging in Japanese food and cheesecake at home. Life has been really busy lately so I've tried my best to rest and relax today. Chronic ankle issues has me limping around the house and pulling out old braces. My husband is gearing up for barber school so we've been filling out forms and trying to organize lists of supplies. We've also been working super hard on launching social media content for our boutique. So next time you're on Instagram, feel free to follow our boutique page WealthRaceClothing. It's still under construction, so it's not finished just yet. On top of that, holiday break is over for our kids. BACK TO VIRTUAL LEARNING we go! The kids in our school district have been physically headed back to school in masks, but my pre-schooler will be finishing his year at home doing it virtually. Even though 2020 was the start of a lot of stress relating to the virtual learning, we're still a feeling a bit overstretched trying to finish off this school year in 2021. We will persevere though! I plan on us having more quality family time, and building up ourselves to be the best versions of ourselves as this year moves forward. I'm putting together a plethora of new content as well. Thank you to everyone that has been actively supporting this blog! It means a lot and as we bulldoze through the rest of this month there will be great new reading content in store!


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