Talkative Thursday 👄
The importance of communication is overly stressed. Especially, since statistics show it's the number one reason relationships fail. Anyone in a relationship know that when you're not on one page with your significant other things are rough. Most people don't know the vital role our brain plays in communication. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our communication. This area is located above our eyes. Our prefrontal cortex affects how we respond to others. So why is this important? This is important because our prefrontal cortex influences the way we speak. It's been proven that our responses change based on what we believe about the person we're speaking to. Studies have shown that when participants were told they were talking to people the same age their responses differed from when they were told they were talking to younger children. This information is valuable in how we treat our spouse. Sometimes we have fixated our minds on something our partner did or is doing so we're angry before a conversation even begins. This is detrimental to your relationship, because it can quickly escalate into a verbal argument or cause one of you to shut down. It's critical to control what and how you say things in order to maintain good communication skills. I've witnessed my spouse and I relationship strengthen once we made an effort to change the way we spoke. "Sometimes it's not what you say, it's how you say it."Until Next Time,
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