Spotlight Saturday: 4 Parenting Types

Have you ever heard the term, "Helicopter Parent?" If so, do you have any clue what it means? Don't fret, you're not alone. There's plenty of people that hear common phrases, but have no idea what they're all about. Today, we'll swiftly explore a few parenting types. A Helicopter parent is like that fly at the family BBQ. No matter how many times you swat at it, it doesn't go anywhere! This parent type love to keep their child's life in tact. They must be at the front lines for their children during the war of life. Next up, Lawnmower parenting. The lawnmower parent is going to get the job done with or without their child's consent. This parenting type won't allow anything to cause their child discomfort. Especially, when they can just attempt to sidestep everything coming their way. Now, that's how you play defense! Tiger parents are not to be forgotten, or at least their demands are not. These parents set the bar high, and expect nothing less from their children. Lastly, we'll discuss the Free Range parent. "Life really can be the best teacher," is the approach of this parenting type. There's breathing room and room for errors. It doesn't matter that these parenting types differ. The parents behind these categories have a common goal, and that's raising their kids well!
Until Next Time,


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