Character Break

 Happy August, summer is slowly making its way out of here! I’m not too upset about that, it’s been quite a hot summer with heatwave after heatwave where I live. I’m glad we’ll be putting the heat behind us soon. The heat isn’t the only thing I’m leaving behind. I’m leaving behind the toxicity this summer brought with it. I’ve been challenged all summer with difficult relatives and had some of my closest relationships tested. Most did not stand the test of time unfortunately. It’s really not all that unfortunate though because it’s time to let these type of people out of life and possibly for good. Love isn’t tearing each other down, insults, and insinuations. Being there for a loved one isn’t being harsh in your treatment, conditional with your support, and argumentative. I’m burnt out emotionally from dealing with family members that don’t want me to win in life. As with most people, life has brung me many hardships but I’m fighting them as best as I can and trying to bring a better life to my kids and step children, but I’m weary of the lack of support and tension some of my relatives bring to me. There just comes a time where it becomes apparent that some people aren’t rooting for you the way you root for them, and their never satisfied with your progress. I’m just going to keep putting my best foot forward and being the best version of myself for myself,  my spouse,  and for my children. I wish their was an antidote for dealing with hateful family, but the reality is there is not and I can’t control anyone but myself. So I choose to control myself and control who stays in my life and who doesn’t fit the qualifications. No more compromising my well being and state of mental health.

Until Next Time,



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