May Misconceptions: Creating Division or Keeping it Real?

We are in the day of utilizing the internet for about 98%  of our entertainment needs. Many viewers flock to YouTube anticipating what their favorite influencers will share. And sure, I’ll admit it, some of these influencers are pure entertainment at its finest. However, some of them spew hateful propaganda and they have such strong followings. These minions then take these irrational ideas into society and spread them. This isn’t about one particular influencer, it’s about the general use of society’s influencers and the pedestal they have to use their platform’s irresponsibly. And how do we recognize if they’re using it irresponsibly? For one, if you’re creating division between other races of people or within races this could continue to fuel race crimes. A racially motivated shooting just took place yesterday in Buffalo, NY. I’m not saying influencers are responsible every time something happens in the world but some of them do help feed the minds of feeble followers when they’re creating divisive content. If the internet wasn’t becoming a tool being used to cause political or racial issues, then new guidelines on certain sites wouldn’t have been issued after the horrendous capitol incident in the US. Some other countries control the sites and times citizens are allowed to use the internet. There’s a huge misconception that favorite influencers are gurus on topics or “qualified” to discuss certain things but truthfully it can mislead people. There’s drill rappers able to push gang issues out to the whole worldwide web, makeup artists keeping European beauty standards alive, gossip vloggers hurting celebrities personal lives for profit (not new, but not morally okay either), people psycho babbling about relationships , etc. I have my fair share of favorite influencers like everyone else and I admit some of their content is less than lovely as far as subject matter, but I do think as viewers we have to be careful not to take these messages and hold stereotypes, prejudices, and fear about the world around us. Influencers can only speak from personal perspectives, it doesn’t mean it’ll be your personal experience in the world. Don’t get lost in the sauce of your favorite influencer and fail to be able to live your “REAL”  life.

Until Next Time,



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