Teens or Twenties?
Happy March readers! It's warming up where I live, besides March's typical wind pattern. It's definitely kite season, but I won't get off topic about how I forget to buy/make my kids one every year. I've been venturing into the wasteful time pattern of skimming through many streaming sites, and I can't help but try to force myself to sit through new shows. My love for writing makes me a sucker for trying new shows to give unknown script writers a chance. If that opportunity falls upon me, I'd want the support, so I try to give it. I won't reference one particular show, but I do want to discuss how irrational some storylines have seemed to me. I know I've been out of high school for a while, but I'm still a millennium so I'm not that out of touch with my memories of high school. Despite this fact, I somehow still can't phantom some of the things I'm seeing on these shows, and I definitely can't get with the glamourization of these themes and how they may affect risk behavior in teens. Most people agree that the world has continued to spiral into an ugly place, with an uptick of crimes. That's why it doesn't make sense why adult showrunners and networks are putting out one-sided content. I'm seeing teens obsessed with sex, but no episode about r*pe, stds, or pregnancies. I'm not saying gruesome scenes should be included, but the issue is none of the serious topics that come from teens being obsessed with sex are being discussed. There's drug use, but no episode showing the family devastated by a loved one overdosing. I'm sorry, but su*c*de and body issues are not the only dangers to teens. I feel like I'm getting 1 hour of exposure to "teens" pretending to be in their twenties while relying on the financial support of parents, that barely exist according to these scripts. I use the word "parents" loosely, because these shows are barely showing parents that are engaged in their kids. These parents let their children do whatever they want and run the households. That's just not a realistic power dynamic in a house and certainly not a wise one. I know everyone's family situation is unique so don't mistake my opinion of these portrayals as me thinking only great, supportive households, and safe schools exist in our society. However, it's a stretch to only show the teen years as a drugged out, overly-sex crazed, self- hating experience. What about the teen years full of self -learning, finding more kids similar to you and forming a friend group, the good teacher (that even misbehaved kids liked), the football games and other sporting events, prom, the after-school clubs, the SAT (oh wait, that's so old). Then, I guess I like old! I'm so old, I guess, that I'd actually like to see shows with characters not strictly 15-17, doing things some people my age is even skeptical of. I liked when teen shows were about kids finding lessons to their problems with optimistic endings. If we keep depicting adult life to teens, then we need to be sure that we're okay with the dangers that's mentally and physically overwhelming to their age group.
Until Next Time,
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