End of the Year Wrap Up: Let’s Talk About It
Seems like the year went by pretty quickly. I’m sure no one is complaining considering the fact that we were trying to get as far away from 2020 as possible. Who’d think new strains of the virus would still be lurking the Earth? Doesn’t seem like we’ll ever see the end of it. 2021 seemingly brung a quieter year concerning racism. Not as many racial protests, George Floyd trial brung solace for some, less Trump news in the US since Biden is in the chair, grocery store shelves are still empty, and no one went back to work judging by the ongoing open interviews and oversized “help wanted” signs. How are you holding up? Are you still experiencing financial hardship since the virus? I’m looking forward to the new year! I’m still pioneering through school and glad I’m getting closer to my goal of finishing. My kids are getting older and I’m excited to plan more adventures for us this year. I haven’t written out any goals yet, but it’s because I want to write out meaningful and measurable things. I want to take goal setting serious, not just write down things because I think they sound good. There’s no set amount of weight I’m planning on losing or anything like that. I want to see self improvement in things like my time management and organization skills. Hopefully, I’ll come up with some good things to later share. Happy New Year! Hope it’s filled with God’s blessings and love ❤️
Until Next Time,
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