Why I Was Done With Concerts Before the AstroWorld Tragedy
I was like most teenagers back in high school, extra eager to start going to see over idolized celebrities. In my city, everyone would drive about 40 minutes out to the next city for the annual “Super Jamz” concert. For us, it was closer to driving to the other bigger cities and a chance to see famous artists for a good price. As I got older, I would often say I’d catch my favorite artists concerts, but lack of time or not wanting to see shows with 9/10 other artists I don’t want to see would discourage me. I then compiled a lists of people I’d definitely want to see perform in 2020. Then here comes COVID! So no concerts for me or the rest of the world! However, during COVID I had plenty of time to think as most people did during those months of lockdown. I started to think about my priorities and I realized that I didn't really need to be wasting my money to see some of these artists. Decent seats or even nosebleeds seats can get pricey and as the prices of concerts rise, so does the attitude of some artists. Being late, lack of friendliness towards fans backstage, hesitation to take photos during meet and greets, etc. are all problems I feel people pay too much money for to experience. I know that everyone is just humans, but when you're paying for a service I don't think it's wrong to expect a high quality experience. After watching YouTube videos of some of their shows, I realized some artist are just too rowdy for me. If I want to go see a RnB singer, then I want to be in a mellow mood that's chill, not be climbed on, being crowd surfed on, or in the middle of raging. I'm a calm person and I don't exactly want to pretend I'm at a hard metal concert when I'm suppose to be hearing love songs. Canceled shows is another reason. Some artists always cancel! This is frustrating if it happens a lot, and it's disappointing because fans have made preparations to make it to these shows just to be out of luck. For the most part, people get refunds but that's not always the case depending on who the tickets were purchased from. Overall, I'm not saying I'll never go to a concert, I'm just saying for right now I'm passed the wild, unorganized, ratchet type of concerts that are put on. Guess, I'm just growing up....
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