Blog Neglect

        Hi Everyone! It's the middle of June! How's your Summer going? Are your kids home and driving you up a wall or are you use to them being home since we're coming out of the pandemic slowly but surely? Where I live we still are wearing masks in some places. Businesses have been allowing vaccinated people to take them off in some places. I'm waiting for our state mandate however, because I just don't want to deal with any drama in the stores. Last summer, a lot was going on with people taking masks off. Plus, my children still have to wear them so I wear mine too so they don't complain about theirs. I'm glad the school year has ended. My Pre-K student was promoted and he's going to Kindergarten next year. I couldn't be more proud of him! He even won an award for outstanding behavior! I'm still in school and it's exhausting everyone! Trying to keep up with my kids, cleaning schedule, cooking, and keeping up with assignments is quite a transition. I'm hanging in there though, because I have worked so hard and waited a very long time for this moment to come. So I'm definitely taking the good with the bad with a huge attitude of gratitude. I'm working on sticking to a strict schedule so I will be back posting regularly. I need this mental escape and I appreciate you all being patient with me and checking out some of my other content. I will be posting about summer activities with the kids that are low cost and can help them spend their Summer exercising their creative muscles! I will throwing in some more finance tips for everyone that's into that, and we have a history lesson coming up because this is the week of Juneteenth. Which in the US is now recognized as a national holiday after all these years. Better late than never, right? I think it's a huge step forward with honoring the progress made and not turning a blind eye to the racial past that the US is overly familiar with. We all need to know our history and we can grow a lot from understanding our pasts. I promise I won't go on a tangent about rights and history because I could go on and on. I love history and I love the progress that humanity is making slowly. I have truly missed blogging! It's a part of my everyday life now so it has felt so draining missing so many days of posting. Hope everyone is doing great! If not, I hope God eases your storm. Have a great night everyone!


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