One Year Overview

    It's hard to believe that it's been a year of me blogging already! When I first decided to start my blog up, I was filled with hesitation. I honestly didn’t even know that some people still read blogs on Blogger. My friends were starting YouTube channels and encouraged me to start working on my blogs. I wasn’t sure what I’d talk about or if anyone would care about what I talked about. But the more content I created, the more viewership my page received. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude! I appreciate everyone that has checked out my work. There’s been readers from all over the world that have checked out my work. It’s really amazing to gain readers that live outside of the US. I’ve had months where I’m blooming with writing ideas, months where I’m suffering from writer’s block, months where I’m gaining amazing traffic, and months where my traffic is extremely low, but I will prevail. God has truly blessed me on my writing journey and I know he’ll continue to oversee my path. Thank you again to everyone that has supported my blog this past year. Your views and feedback have truly motivated me to keep pushing!

With Love,



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