Highlighting Black Writers: Ida B. Wells
Ida B. Wells was a determined journalist and a social justice fighter. Growing up in the south during the era of prominent slavery and injustice she was born a slave in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Ida B. Wells valued the power of education and her parents were very politically involved in social justice work after the Civil War took place. A tragedy took her parents and one of her siblings early and she had to work as a teacher to take care of herself and surviving siblings. Captivated by the unfair racial practice of lynching, Wells started pushing informational pamphlets and newspaper articles on hate crimes for the public to see. This caused her to be a target and her printing press was burned down causing her to relocate to Chicago. In Chicago, she married a prominent lawyer and joined other activists that protested for equality. Ida B. Wells even stood up against other social groups ignoring African American inequalities at that time. Outside of her journalism, she spent her latter years reforming urban communities in Chicago. It's so great that brave people like Ida B. Wells helped fight racism through their gift of writing!
Source: www.womenshistory.org
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