Reflection Pt 2

    December is wrapping up and I'm still spending the last few days going over my busy year.  On my last post I talked about adamantly saving and proving to myself I can start savings. I had to be willing to exercise discipline, time to fail, and determination to make this possible. I want to leave 2020 knowing I have to finish the good things I started. I gained another school certification and it helped me get a better job, but my educational journey isn't over. I started a boutique with my spouse, but we have to continue to work towards building up our business. I was able to publish my first book after years of having material put aside, but I have to put forth more practice and skill in order to be a better author. I committed to working on a journal and for the first time ever I managed to keep writing through the whole year. I'm overall happy and proud about how my family pioneered through this tumultuous year. We conquered virtual learning, car trouble, marriage reconciliation, blended family problems, spiritual warfare, etc. Next year is on its way and it won't be easy to get through, especially if 2020 was a preview of what our world is coming to, but with God guiding us I'm ready to get on with our progressing journey. Take some time to unwind and figure out what this year meant for you, and how you plan to improve yourself or your family so you can set out to reach  new goals. Then go the extra mile to figure out how you'll make that plan into reality. Don't underestimate the importance of having plans and working on executing those plans. It's important to have a sense of direction for your life. We all need to continue to strive for excellence and don't be afraid to redefine excellence for you!

Until Next Time.

D x 3


  1. Great post! I feel like sometimes we get lost in this picture of what “should be” instead of what is & what could be. We create and define our own successes. I love the part about redefining excellence. Cheers to 2021🥂


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