The Perfect Fit
My three children are all extremely unique and different from each other. My first child is my son. He is very book smart and thrives on extended periods of imaginative play. I'd describe him as being very sharp! He's that kid that knows if we are eating hot dogs he needs to grab ketchup from the refrigerator. If he glances in the refrigerator and notices we are low on food, he's telling me we have to go to the store for more food. My son is keen and always taking control of situations with his siblings. He's a true "rule follower" and is on everyone's case if they're doing anything I'd be against. It's really amazing how he has my expectations figured out to a science and he rarely acts undisciplined.
My middle child is a bit different. She's not into book smarts, but she is so socially/emotionally intelligent that it blows me away. She can pick up on social cues better than some adults. If she observes me looking exhausted from carrying in grocery, she asks to help put them away. If she sees the baby is whining she's rushing to find a pacifier and a bottle. After a long day of work, she thinks she has to try to take our shoes off ( I always have to stop her lol). When dinner is done she's picking up all the children's cups and taking everyone their cup. She stays to herself for the most part buried in board books and Paw Patrol YouTube videos. She definitely doesn't care about being in trouble like my son does. Her rebellious side is obvious.
My last child is the stereotypical "infant" She wants to be held all the time. If you're not staring into her eyes cradling her she's going to scream until she regains your eye contact. She's the baby of the family. She must feel adornment from anyone that she sees. I'm fascinated because all my kids traits fit their birth order. In psychology it's believed the order of a person's birth is responsible for their characteristics. First born children are into over achieving. Due to having more attention they are able to achieve better academically than later siblings because parents are able to explain things in depth when teaching. Middle children are lost in the mix and do their own thing. Parents sometimes focus solely on their oldest and youngest child and it causes the middle child to feel indifferent and left out. The youngest child is known for being the "baby" of the family and acting like it. They aren't held to the same standard and get away with a lot. It was so interesting to see how my kids fit these narratives and it even made me think about my own birth order.
Until Next Time,
D x 3
Aww, love this & their little personalities! I can’t wait to see all the amazing things they do as they continue to grow❤️