Social Media Disparity?!?!
As a kid, Myspace was a creative haven for me. I'd put so much time into going on various websites to find codes for my backgrounds, making mental notes for songs I liked so I'd remember to add them to my playlist, and critically picking my top group of friends. Once the Myspace craze ended, I reluctantly made a Facebook upon starting high school. I'd heard of it previously but took no interest. I was more into the likes of Twitter at this time. I could customize my background, read my favorite celebrity tweets, and relentlessly tweet (until going to Twitter jail). I went through my phase of checking my Facebook every 5 mins and quickly moved on to Instagram and Tumblr. Fast Forward a few years into my early adulthood and social media repulses me. Seriously, I hate feeling the obligation to let everyone from high school know life's still good to me. I'm extremely private so it's hard to share intimate moments with people I barely know anymore. On top of that I hate the people that read too deeply into the lyrics you posted from your favorite song that they don't know and swear it's a post about them. I hate the fake politicians it creates everytime the world is in a uproar. The bullies, that try to virtually tear others down by broadcasting their private business. Internet thugs that thrive on their former high school reputations of beating up people/getting beat up. The "bitter babbling babymamas" airing all their love and hip-hop style dramatics to my timeline. Side chick culture is at an all time high, and Facebook just tends to be able to encompass it all. I know it may seem like if I feel this repulsive, why not delete it?!?! Well, I tried, except Facebook has no delete. Just a deactivation page that waits for you to want back in (as a millennial I usually do eventually go back) Once again not for one second letting anyone think I didn't do something great with my latter years. I sign back in for the gratification of boasting about how hard I've worked, how great I look after 3 kids, how divorce proof my marriage is, as if I have to prove something behind a screen. As if any of us have to prove something to people not in our inner circles of love. But we post, post, post, needing people to see us for our accomplishments, our weight loses, our relationships, our deaths, our heartaches. We hide behind saying it's all leisure fun while still checking to see how many people "reacted " to our posts and remembering which ones got the most views. What exactly are you trying to prove?
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