Once A Month

Today, we're wasting no time diving into the topic at hand! Menstrual cycles for some women are very problematic. Body aches and hormone fluctuations can leave you exhausted. Mood swings captivate your vibe and everyone around you feels your wrath. If you are a woman that has painful monthly cycles don't keep ignoring your pain. Start preparing for that time of the month. For starters, always have your feminine products on hand. The last thing you want to do is be completely out when things get flowing. While you're at the store stock up on a pain reliever that's safe for you to take. If you're unsure be sure to ask your doctor.  It's more effective to take your pain reducer before being in unbearable pain and waiting for it to kick in. Stock up on your favorite foods too because food cravings are common around this time. Your body may be physically tired so try to rest for short periods of time if you can't just rest for a long period of time. Hot compresses or ice packs are your  best friend if aches linger after taking medicine. Hopefully, your little ones aren't too demanding during this time. Ask for help with them if you're too down and it's available. Just go with the flow and it'll be over before you know it!
Until Next Time,


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