
Showing posts from May, 2020

Secure Attachment šŸš¼

The third time is a charm?! At least that is what is commonly said. My spouse and I welcomed our third child just a few months ago. Since I've brought my "bundle of joy" home it's been non-stop bonding. With my other two kids life was racing by for me. I spent so much more time trying to have absolutely everything figured out about my life. I didn't realize it's okay to figure it out as I go. Life is so precious and goes by ever so quickly. So today we'll get into secure attachment and what it means for your infant. Secure attachment isn't about how great you provide for your child, or how many amazing Fisher Price toys you can lavish them with. It's about how you emotionally communicate with your baby by learning different cues and responding to them. Having a secure attachment with your baby makes them feel secured and confident. This is important because this secure attachment affects your infant  mentally, physically, intellectually, and emotio...

Sharing Sunday

This weekend was quite a wonderful time for me to show support to my hardworking spouse! We set up at our local flea market to make some clothing sales. My husband had been working on organizing this for a very long time, so it was extremely important for me to be there to help. The weekend went great! We got a lot accomplished and got to spend quality time together. Today,  we'll explore just a few ways to make support go a long way in your relationship. 1. Showing support brings you closer to your partner. 2. Tell your significant other how proud you are of them for anything they're working on. 3. Don't be afraid to ask how you can help. 4. Practice active listening so your favorite person knows they have your undivided attention. 5. A simple," I love you," is always nice to hear repetitively. 6. Have fun helping each other reach goals and accomplishing your dreams! Until Next Time,  *D✖3*

Talkative Thursday šŸ‘„

Image The importance of communication is overly stressed. Especially, since statistics show it's the number one reason relationships fail. Anyone in a relationship know that when you're not on one page with your significant other things are rough. Most people don't know the vital role our brain plays in communication. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our communication. This area is located above our eyes. Our prefrontal cortex affects how we respond to others. So why is this important? This is important because our prefrontal cortex influences the way we speak. It's been proven that our responses change based on what we believe about the person we're speaking to. Studies have shown that when participants were told they were talking to people the same age their responses differed from when they were told they were talking to younger children. This information is valuable in how we treat our spouse. Sometimes we have fixated our minds on something o...

Money Monday šŸ’²šŸ’²šŸ’²

Everyone needs it, but everyone uses it differently! Today, we're discussing different types of money personalities. The way you perceive your finances affects your children, so financial literacy is overly significant. Money Hoarders just have to hold on to every cent. These individuals take pride in saving and budgeting their income. Money Monks take a moral standpoint on their funds. They don't want their amount of money earned to turn them away from their spiritual beliefs. "Money is the root of all evil," for money monks. Spenders like to throw all their hard earned money away. They are driven by impulse, and their wallets reflect it! Avoiders don't care for the responsibilities that come with money management. Lack of knowledge and confidence in their income causes them to be apathetic about their financial state. Amassers love obtaining wealth and multiplying it. They have entrepreneurial spirits, and desire to make their money into generational wealth. Wer...

Any Size Can Exercise

Talks about fitness can be burdensome for some. You just don't want to think about all those diets you attempted or gym memberships that went to waste. It's important to still make it an integral part of your children's lives though. It's a good way to bond with your children, and set a good example. 1 hour of exercise is recommended for children 5 and up. 30 minutes of physical activity will still be beneficial for children under 5. Even your infant could use some tummy time in short intervals to help those arm and neck muscles strengthen. Exercising is not solely about weight loss! It helps your little one with their concentration skills and brain development. Exercising keeps fine and gross motor skills improving. Not to mention, it's a natural way to help decrease anxiety. You may think there's no way you can squeeze in time in your busy schedule. Just try to start small. Starting with one day a week isn't going to hurt you. Whether it's playing ball...

E-Learning is Driving Me Crazy!

(Killer of Brain Cells) If you are a human, and have been keeping up with the dysfunctional state of our world, then you've heard of E-Learning taking place. I'm well aware that classes are online for plenty of trades and degrees. However, I'm talking about E-Learning for my elementary school level step child, due to schools being closed the rest of the school year. I'd do anything to delete this app from ALL my devices! She's in third grade. Lessons are uploaded daily, and include all subjects. This may not sound major, but after hours of helping her complete lessons the last thing I want to see is a PE activity. We all know children of today are certainly technology magnets. With that comes the shortest attention spans. After just a second of my step daughter listening to her incredibly sweet monotone teacher, her mind is off frolicking through everything else she could do on the internet. On a more serious note, this style of learning has even saddened her a bit....

Spotlight Saturday: 4 Parenting Types

Have you ever heard the term, "Helicopter Parent?" If so, do you have any clue what it means? Don't fret, you're not alone. There's plenty of people that hear common phrases, but have no idea what they're all about. Today, we'll swiftly explore a few parenting types. A Helicopter parent is like that fly at the family BBQ. No matter how many times you swat at it, it doesn't go anywhere! This parent type love to keep their child's life in tact. They must be at the front lines for their children during the war of life. Next up, Lawnmower parenting . The lawnmower parent is going to get the job done with or without their child's consent. This parenting type won't allow anything to cause their child discomfort. Especially, when they can just attempt to sidestep everything coming their way. Now, that's how you play defense! Tiger parents are not to be forgotten, or at least their demands are not. These parents set the bar high, and expect not...