Teens or Twenties?
Happy March readers! It's warming up where I live, besides March's typical wind pattern. It's definitely kite season, but I won't get off topic about how I forget to buy/make my kids one every year. I've been venturing into the wasteful time pattern of skimming through many streaming sites, and I can't help but try to force myself to sit through new shows. My love for writing makes me a sucker for trying new shows to give unknown script writers a chance. If that opportunity falls upon me, I'd want the support, so I try to give it. I won't reference one particular show, but I do want to discuss how irrational some storylines have seemed to me. I know I've been out of high school for a while, but I'm still a millennium so I'm not that out of touch with my memories of high school. Despite this fact, I somehow still can't phantom some of the things I'm seeing on these shows, and I definitely can't get with the glamourization of these...