"Enjoy Your Privileged Life"
Hi Everyone, I know it's been a slight gap in my content. I've been a bit tied up with life priorities, but I'm working out some arrangements with my schedule so I can get back to blogging consistently. I'm not very thrilled by the C19 upsurge in cases or the decreasing brain cells of human kind to think it's okay to infringe on citizens everyday lives. It's not a privilege to go out your house everyday. It's a human right to choose to leave your premises. Real life is not a social media platform where it's okay to pull comments or restrict people access to their accounts. Real life shouldn't allow any entity to force people out of doing their everyday activities. It's very telling that businesses can restrict their services to certain people. After all that's how discriminatory practices were able to thrive during the days of segregation. It's awful to see how easily people can recreate these inhumane policies. I wish these same businesses would create policies to keep out crazy gunman from destroying innocent lives like they can keep out citizens without the shot. I'm very disappointed in our system to see us praising the practice of discrimination. It's not justifiable. We were once told we had rights and were protected by our amendments (that at one time approved slavery) however, it's obvious we too are not living in the land of the free. The same businesses that take money from everyday people and pay their workers bare minimum are now the same businesses denying people services. I'm not against people getting the shot. I worked in the hospital and seen the impact of C19 with my own eyes not a TIME magazine or news station. I do not and will not support discrimination against citizens on free soil though. People have a right to not get certain injections and people have a right to get them. But taking services from people because you don't like their choice isn't okay. This is sad and it doesn't look like it's getting any better. Hopefully, we're not headed towards a dystopian society where evil practices make their way back to the fore front of our privileged country.
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