
Showing posts from July, 2020

"No Step Parents Allowed!" šŸš«

Step parenting isn't exactly in the spotlight when it comes to family dynamics. The "mean" step parent narrative is ages old, but some people can't move forward. As a step parent, I work hard to break this belief. It's important to me that my step kids understand that MY house is THEIR house. I push for them to understand I'm an addition to their family life, not in any shape or form a replacement. However, it's difficult to BLEND families when everyone can't be on one page. You'd think it wouldn't be a debate about children schedules, children diets, and the importance of both biological parents being in their children life. But I'll tell you first hand I've watched my husband go to and from custody court and child support court trying to do what a Dad is suppose to do when he doesn't want to be with former partners and still wants to take care of his children. It's been many hurdles and the only ones truly affected by these is...

Social Media Disparity?!?!

As a kid, Myspace was a creative haven for me. I'd put so much time into going on various websites to find codes for my backgrounds, making mental notes for songs I liked so I'd remember to add them to my playlist, and critically picking my top group of friends. Once the Myspace craze ended, I reluctantly made a Facebook upon starting high school. I'd heard of it previously but took no interest. I was more into the likes of Twitter at this time. I could customize my background, read my favorite celebrity tweets, and relentlessly tweet (until going to Twitter jail). I went through my phase of checking my Facebook every 5 mins and quickly moved on to Instagram and Tumblr. Fast Forward a few years into my early adulthood and social media repulses me. Seriously, I hate feeling the obligation to let everyone from high school know life's still good to me. I'm extremely private so it's hard to share intimate moments with people I barely know anymore. On top of that I h...


I've been contemplating on my mental state of mind and the impact others can have on me. As an HSP (highly sensitive person) I tend to soak up so many emotions. This has led me to actively seek out more info on energy absorption. This is a belief that people are able to give off good and bad energy. Depending on their energy, it can have a good impact or negative impact on you. If someone has a bad aura it's destined to ward off on others. Not only that, but a person with a bad aura is destined to cause bad things to happen. Consider people like this "agents of chaos." They disrupt situations and are problematic. They have bad attitudes and personalities. A lot of them also feel empowered when they can bring others down. It's important to be cautious about the company you keep around you. Superficial people will seek friendships based on what they can gain from being around you. They don't care about you on a genuine level, it's a friendship that benefits ...

My Thoughts on the Danger of Entanglements!?!?

Recently, online this "entanglement" phrase has gotten a lot of attention. It's been memes and comments circulating like crazy. I'm honestly not enthused about people joking over such a serious common issue many people find themselves in. Despite, romantic comedies trying to convince people that love triangles are harmless and end great, real life definitely differs. People find themselves hurt badly when they are left on the outskirts. Especially when it involves a married couple. When a married couple decides to separate the person that gets "entangled" with one of those people have an increased chance of being hurt. There's quite a few reasons why this can happen. It's been proven that 40% of married couples attempt reconciliation within their marriage. Therefore, for starters some people have invested so much emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc into their marriages they still feel such a strong connection with their spouses. Also, sometime...


You'd think people had enough things in their life to figure out instead of going around trying to force issues into existence. Some people feel good about causing turmoil and keeping drama alive. I'm at a place in my life where strife is a waste of my time. My family and I are fully focused on progressing and raising our children to be driven individuals. The world would be a better place if people learned that conflict doesn't fix personal issues. You can come at people aggressively and that still doesn't change the problems you harbor inside. Fix yourself, it'll save you so many burdens. If you're not happy with the life you live, it's your responsibility to fix it. If you are not happy with the way your children are being raised, give those kids the opportunities you didn't have as a child. However, don't blame others for the lackluster life you pick for yourself. Don't lack accountability for the actions you choose that hurt your future. Don...


Happy July, hope it's been going well for everyone! I've been suffocating behind my face masks trying to finish up my CNA II class. A CNA II is a certified nursing assistant that has more responsibilities than a CNA I relating to patient care. I'm trying to bulldoze my way through this course with hopes of landing a hospital job on the birthing unit floor. Truthfully, any job as a CNA II will be a breakthrough for me. I've seen some ugly days as a CNA I and also working as Personal Care Aid before my certification. By ugly I'm not describing the job itself, but that "weird" part of healthcare where you realize GOOD health insurance matters !!! Long hours, extremely low pay, barely hanging on facilities, and shortened staff are a few  familiar conditions for me.  CNA II 's are still subject to CNA I duties, but it comes with a pay increase, more places to work at, and useful nursing skills that'll be good for a nursing program. I've already hear...