
Showing posts from June, 2020


Took a week off from media outlet information. I did a full cleanse from my favorite gossip YouTube channels, radiobroadcasts, news, and news article updates that explode my notifications daily. Really felt as if I needed to cleanse my thoughts and reset mentally. NC mandated for masks to be worn 24/7 due to the numbers increasing of virus cases. Truthfully, when nothing's closed and no vaccines have been concocted the numbers will continue to rise. I'm tired of masks though. Especially, since technically we need N-95 masks for airborne precautions. But I trudged through the stores with my black lives matter mask, perfect for today's racial climate. I'm sick of racism to the bottom of my core! No matter how many cinematic slave movies I skip, police brutality videos I no longer watch, and racial undertones I force myself to ignore, these social injustices haunt my mental mindset. This past weekend did nothing more than increase my mental anguish. My husband and I have b...

Once A Month

Today, we're wasting no time diving into the topic at hand! Menstrual cycles for some women are very problematic. Body aches and hormone fluctuations can leave you exhausted. Mood swings captivate your vibe and everyone around you feels your wrath. If you are a woman that has painful monthly cycles don't keep ignoring your pain. Start preparing for that time of the month. For starters, always have your feminine products on hand. The last thing you want to do is be completely out when things get flowing. While you're at the store stock up on a pain reliever that's safe for you to take. If you're unsure be sure to ask your doctor.  It's more effective to take your pain reducer before being in unbearable pain and waiting for it to kick in. Stock up on your favorite foods too because food cravings are common around this time. Your body may be physically tired so try to rest for short periods of time if you can't just rest for a long period of time. Hot compresse...

Selfish Sunday

Need some time for yourself? Are you a mom that goes non-stop? Do you always say "Yes" to everyone requests? Can you squeeze in a second of relaxation? As a mom sometimes it seems like your job is neverending. Your children rely on your strength, cooking, play skills, comforting, etc.  If you're married or dating your mind is in a whirlwind of thoughts on meeting the needs of your partner and helping them meet yours. Truly enough you are the backbone of your family. You are the glue that holds life together. But guess what?!?! You are not a super human. You also have to tend to yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but you have to put forth an effort to treat yourself well. Self care is so vital to your life journey! It's craving out well needed time to tend to your inner deepest needs. Don't ever feel guilty about making time for yourself! When you're recharged and at your best, everyone  in your house will appreciate your refreshing attitude.  Bur...

Thoughts for Tuesday

The buzz of the pandemic has died down, whilst conversation surrounding America's police brutality concerns has risen to the forefront of all major media outlets. Like many affected by this issue, I have spent an immense amount of time processing my thoughts on this overly familiar issue in urban communities. Most importantly, I've been thinking about my children, and how they've been processing all this calamity. Today, we'll discuss ways to converse with your children about prejudices and racism. It's important to ask your children how they are feeling about these topics as they arise according to child psychologists. Even if they can't articulate exactly how they feel, it's essential to make them feel understood. Make time to educate them on equality and treating others with respect. The "Golden Rule" can go a long way! Explain the ignorance behind stereotypes, and how they create a false bias against different cultural groups. If you are creati...