Took a week off from media outlet information. I did a full cleanse from my favorite gossip YouTube channels, radiobroadcasts, news, and news article updates that explode my notifications daily. Really felt as if I needed to cleanse my thoughts and reset mentally. NC mandated for masks to be worn 24/7 due to the numbers increasing of virus cases. Truthfully, when nothing's closed and no vaccines have been concocted the numbers will continue to rise. I'm tired of masks though. Especially, since technically we need N-95 masks for airborne precautions. But I trudged through the stores with my black lives matter mask, perfect for today's racial climate. I'm sick of racism to the bottom of my core! No matter how many cinematic slave movies I skip, police brutality videos I no longer watch, and racial undertones I force myself to ignore, these social injustices haunt my mental mindset. This past weekend did nothing more than increase my mental anguish. My husband and I have b...