Misunderstood: HSP Overload
Hope April's been going well for everyone. This month has been busy for me and I haven't been able to post like I'd like. Its been awhile since I’ve talked about being a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person). But right now feels more dire than ever. Honestly, I don’t talk much about it because I feel like most people have no idea what you’re talking about nor do they care about how they make you feel. I’m honestly tired of being so affected by stuff . Literally, it’s draining me to be impacted by every single thing that happens in my day. On the other hand, I'm not one to like being a "victim" so it's hard to open up about stuff. If you don't know what a HSP is, it's a personality trait that causes you to be more responsive to your environment. This can cause a range of emotions, sometimes good or sometimes bad. You're more sensitive to sound, imagery, social environments, and sometimes can feel drained easily and need to retreat. Right now, I've ...